Friday, August 3, 2012

more pictures.. is becoming a jungle

after my trim my garden.. i always try to perfect my mojito.. i'm almost there.. only if i could grow limes hydroponicly 

picture of my secondary set up.. this holds about 12 little pots.. is an under the bed container with airstones and 3 inch holes drilled to hold pots



trimming my mint roots.. they are getting long!!

yum.. need some mozzarella or pasta sauze


strawberries coming soon

light salad today

huge salad today..

this one is tasty salad

tasty salad here too

hmm my romain is getting tall.. i been trimming it for a while!!

curly kale.. i ate this raw for a while kinda bitter.. i later read is better cooked or zimmered in oil.. it was

i forgot what this one is called.. this one is a bit spicy like wazabi.. weird. it came on my lettuce seed mix

another tasty salad

mare tasty salad

i think the romain salad is almost done

this one grew a bit awkwardly

im just gonna call it wazabi salad.. yum

i improvise a bit of limb support with string

more curly kale.. this one grows quick!!

yummy salad

this one tatstes ok.. hint of flavor.. needs to be eaten with other stuff

tomatoe plants are huge.. no tomatoes.. arg

i forgot what this one is called.. goes well with onions and cheese


hurray.. strawberries

hopefully these guys will eat up the white flies

chipotle, curly kale and onions.. yum

trying not to use foam seed starters.. .. trying coco fiber

stupid white flies.. die!!!

cherry tomatoes!!

like a damm jungle

yum!! all these salads.. starting to look similar

bought some reflective material.. 


pizza with some of my garden herbs