Monday, January 24, 2011

seeding and new lights

got some hydrowool and some trays.. planted 5 types of lettuce, basil, oregano, cilantro, Mint clippings (Cloning) roma tomato, cherry tomato, etc

at 1st i was growing the seeds with some desk lights and a fish tank light. they grew but very flimsy and delicate.. as you can see... many of them died because they were so fragile.. bend or snapped when moving them around..

Then i bought some 2ft and 4ft T5 flourecent lights from some guy in craigslist for 50 bucks!!.. the 2ft alone is like 150.. and the 4ft is like 149 (i know because i had to buy another one) also notice i changed the original design to a step ladder like design.. this maximizes the amount of light the plants receive and the amount of grow permitted by the set up

this seeds were grown with my new light and my new grow set up... as you can see these were very strong and very thick.. little problem is that i now have way too many plants!! so i need to expand from one set up to 2 set ups.. (therefore the new light)

i got a little inpatient bought some soil grown strawberries and romaine lettuce at home depot, 9 romaine for 4 dollars and 4 starwberries for 8 dollars (they didnt sell strawberries seeds at the store)

these plants grew QUICK!!.. almost as quick as my set up started leaking!!.. 

on my next design i doubled up on my silicone and tape.. to prevent leaks.. and you can see one of the latest pics